1 - Recurring events with registration enabled
2 - Recurring events with registration disabled
3 - One-time (Non-recurring events)
In the first case where you announce a recurring event, one parent instance and multiple child instances get created in Harmony with each instance having a unique event id. This is because it becomes easier to track the number of registrations for different instances. However on the website there is only one unique link that gets created (common to both child and parent instances of Harmony) and that unique link shows up as only one instance on the website course search page.9
For example, In Amsterdam one weekly recurring event is announced (with registration enabled) starting from July 1st to July 15th, then three instances (one parent and two child) will get created in harmony (one each for July 1st, 7th and 15th) but in the website (course search page) only one instance will get created.
So it may seem that there is a discrepancy in the number of event instances in harmony and the website and it might seem like a bug but in reality this happens becuase a because a group of recurring event instances in Harmony map to a single event instance on the website.
And in the third case also only Harmony and one website instance is created since the event is a non-recurring event
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